Nani and Piper: The Dynamic Duo
Over the Summer months the birdbrains have been progressively getting along more and more. They are at the point now where they spend all day together in or on the play cage and preen each other without too much complaining. Both now initiate play (verses before when Piper always went after Nani only to be promptly reprimanded), and they share nicely at the same food/water bowls. What a difference from those first few trying weeks!
Below is a quick video of their typical antics (it gets interesting after the first 20 seconds):
Monday, August 22, 2011 | | EMAIL THIS POST| 4 Comments
Possible Proof - Why some Black-Headed Caiques have black skin around the eyes
I made a post a few months ago on a parrot-related message board and I thought I would share it here...
05-25-2011 I've often wondered why some BH Caiques appear to have dark black skin around the eyes while others have light grey skin. Usually the wild BH's have dark black skin verses most of the pets I come across have light grey. But I may have a possible answer...take a look at these two photos of Nani...
This one was taken about 6-8 weeks ago when I took her outside for the first time this year:
And this one was taken only a few days ago:
Why the change? Well I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking it has something to do with sunlight. She has been getting about 2+ hours a day of direct sunlight either with me outside or in the south-facing window I leave open for them in the afternoons. I think it is similar to how we get tan in the sun. Could I be right?
Tuesday, August 02, 2011 | | EMAIL THIS POST| 1 Comments
Yes it has finally happened! I can safely say Nani and Piper are true friends. They spend every day (from dawn till dusk) together. If I try to separate them they frantically call to each other from room to room. Granted I think Piper is more attached to Nani than Nani is to Piper, but they have even started preening one another. I am so grateful that my two sweet babies get along.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011 | | EMAIL THIS POST| 2 Comments
The Hardest Bite To Date!
You see, she hates the cat. When I say hate I mean it's all out WAR. The cat is deathly afraid of Nani (and Piper but he seems to know that Nani is the one that means business). Well tonight when I got home I let the birds out and was playing with them on the living room floor. The cat wanted my attention too but didn't dare get too close. Since Nani was preoccupied with a toy I called the cat over for a scratch (my bad). As I was petting the cat Nani ran over and attacked him. Unfortunately for me what she latched onto was my hand! As soon as I lifted my hand it Was like she realised it was me and let go. But her lower mandible dug in so far it will not stop bleeding! It hurts SO BAD. I wasn't upset with her because I know she didn't mean to get me but wow! In a weird way I see her former bites as not so bad knowing now that she could have done far more damage if she really wanted to.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011 | Labels: Health | EMAIL THIS POST| 6 Comments
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Nani's Vocabulary To Date:
Pretty Girl
What Are You Doing?
(variation) Whatcha Doin'?
I Love You
Thank You
Look At You!
Come Here!
Go Poo Poo
Uh Oh
I Don't Want You.