NOTIFY THE PRESS! The Unthinkable Has Happened!
The world as we know it could very well end! Crazy things are happening, up is down and down is up! In is out and out is in! Nani has done the most incredible thing.
Today was another nice summer day and I decided to take a break from packing orders and bring Nani outside. No sooner did I get out the door and Mr. Feathersworth started crying. Now normally it isn't safe to have them both together with no backup but I took a chance and went out with them both, Nani in one hand and Mr. FW in the other. Nani did her usually growling at passing butterflies and Mr. FW just sat there staring into space (I hate to say it but he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic if you know what I mean). I'm not sure what came over me but I started putting the two closer together. Nani was far too busy playing watch dog to feel territorial and allowed it. Soon they were cheek to cheek. Then, without warning it happened...
...wait for it...
...wait for it...
...she started preening him! He got all spongy and she was all lovey dovey and I felt a lump in my throat. It was so beautiful *sniff*. All I had on me was my cell phone but I managed to get a few pictures:
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mr. Feathersworth,
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Nani's Vocabulary To Date:
Pretty Girl
What Are You Doing?
(variation) Whatcha Doin'?
I Love You
Thank You
Look At You!
Come Here!
Go Poo Poo
Uh Oh
I Don't Want You.
What sweet pictures of your babies! I am so pleased that they got along, if only for a short time.
Love your blog!
Awwww, that's sweet.
Must be something about the fresh air, or the neutral territory, or... oh, heck, who knows what goes on in their little heads.
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