A New Addition
Nani and I have been discussing a new addition to our feathered family for some time now. Well, I guess it was pretty much a one-sided conversation that went something like this: "Nani, should we get a new bird?"... "beep, beep"... "so, is that a yay or nay?"..."beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeep". So clearly she was on board. Next we had to decide on a species. Of course Nani felt we should bring home another Caique, preferably one with masculine features. I quickly shot that idea down, however. Besides, two Caiques would probably set up professional screaming matches and have daily contests. No, we'd need a more quiet, laid back breed. I pointedly let Nani know in no uncertain terms that while I did choose a Caique last time they were not my only preference. I had also been considering an African Grey or some form of Pionus. African Grey's are AWESOME and I would die to have one. But thanks to Nani Featherbutt's spending habits price is an issue. I can't afford $1,000 bird at this time...or probably ever for that matter. So that narrowed it down to a Pionus...but which kind? White Capped? Blue-Headed? Bronze-winged? Maxi? It was time to do some research!
After hours of net surfing Nani and I were astonished to learn that they are all pretty much the same bird in different feather combinations. Some sites suggested that the White-capped Pi's (when male) are territorial and nippy. But the vast majority of them are sweet, quiet, and a bit shy. I found a wonderful breeder in Florida (being there are no Pi breeders in Minnesota) that came highly recommended (see WingsAviary.com). She had Bronze-winged Pi's on eggs so that sealed the deal. I made the purchase and my baby hatched on Thursday, 5/06/10. Nani was thrilled. We started receiving photo updates of our new baby...
Nani has enjoyed watching her baby grow over these past few weeks. But she insisted on knowing whether she would be a big sis to a brother or a sister. She just couldn't stand the suspense, and made a very good point when she insinuated that it would be very hard to name the baby if we didn't know the sex. So I gave in. Today the results came in and.......IT'S A BOY! Nani seemed a little too happy about the news and I kindly explained to her about the birds and the bees of the parrot world. Unfortunately for her a boy Pionus would only be interested in other female Pionus parrots and he just may very well find her flamboyant feathering repulsive.
So now it was time to choose a name. Nani thought he should be called Nani Jr. but I argued that there is only one true Nani in this world to which she agreed. After asking around for suggestions we came up with a nice combination: Mr. Feathersworth....Mr. Gizmo Feathersworth that is.
Gizmo will be flying home this Friday night. Nani and I had to re-learn how to hand-feed a baby being I haven't done so for years and Nani can't remember that far back, after all she was just a baby.
We are both very excited about the new addition and will be updated everyone on his progress. Goodbye for now.....
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Nani's Vocabulary To Date:
Pretty Girl
What Are You Doing?
(variation) Whatcha Doin'?
I Love You
Thank You
Look At You!
Come Here!
Go Poo Poo
Uh Oh
I Don't Want You.
Awwwww, Mr. Feathersworth is quite handsome! He'll be a real heartbreaker when he grows up, I bet.
Poor Nani. It's obvious she needs a new home and new faces to take her mind off this rival -- you can go ahead and send her to me right now. I promise I'll take good care of her! ;-)
aha! I see how you snuck that in there like that. Thank you, but Nani is adjusting quite nicely thank you very much! ;-)
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